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Eating Well At Sea

Cruise with a Healthy Appetite? It's Possible!

Eating Well at Sea

Tips for Enjoying a Cruise Without Overindulging

If you're a cruise enthusiast who loves to indulge in the culinary delights offered onboard, it's easy to find yourself consuming thousands of calories in a single day. But fear not, with a few simple tips, you can satisfy your cravings while maintaining a healthy balance.

Here are a few strategies for eating healthy on a cruise:

  • Pack healthy snacks: Avoid the temptation of sugary treats by bringing your own snacks, such as fruits, veggies, and nuts.
  • Choose the right meals: Opt for grilled or baked dishes over fried options. Ask for sauces and dressings on the side to control portion sizes.
  • Dine at alternative restaurants: Many cruise ships offer specialty dining options with healthier choices. Look for dishes that feature lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Be mindful of portion sizes: It's easy to overeat at all-inclusive buffets. Serve yourself smaller portions and avoid going back for seconds.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to curb cravings and support your overall health.
